You may be wondering, like so many others, when V3.00 of the HIS manual and new discharge HIS become final. And once section O's removal from the discharge HIS is final and the publicly reported Hospice Visits when Death is Imminent (HVWDII) measure pair is replaced by the claims-based Hospice Visits in the Last Days of Life (HVLDL), do hospice agencies still have to file the discharge HIS? Furthermore, what's the status of the Hospice Outcomes and Patient Evaluation (HOPE) and the new, future Hospice Care Index (HCI) you may (or may not) have heard about?
I must admit, I was having a tough time keeping all of this straight.
I'm glad to say that CMS has published "Common Questions - HQRP Claims-Based Quality Measures February 2021" to clear up some of the confusion.
In a nutshell, once the office of management and budget (OMB) approves the HIS Manual V3.00 (expected soon) it will be final, and the revised Discharge HIS will replace the old one. But for now, CMS states that "To prevent hospice providers from encountering any fatal errors or rejected records whether submitting HIS records with or without section O, both V2.00 and V3.00 HIS-Discharge records can be accepted by the ASAP system."
Any other changes will go through rule-making. So no emergency here, thank goodness. We've had enough of emergencies to last us a while.
Please feel free to download the "Common Questions - HQRP Claims-Based Quality Measures February 2021" and the HIS V3.00 and all the associated documents under links and gifts for Hospice at
Oh. and if you have any further questions, I'm happy to try to help. Just contact me at
Stay safe and well.
Access the HIS Manual here
Access the HQRP Quarterly Update here
Access the HIS Manual Change Table here
Access Common Questions HQRP Claims here