0. I have a steady place to live
1. I have a place to live today, but I am worried about losing it in the future
2. I do not have a steady place to live
7. Patient declines to respond
8. Patient unable to respond
R0320. Food
A. Within the past 12 months, you worried that your food would run out before you got money to buy more.
0. Often true
1. Sometimes true
2. Never true
7. Patient declines to respond
8. Patient unable to respond
0. Often true
1. Sometimes true
2. Never true
7. Patient declines to respond
8. Patient unable to respond
R0330. Utilities
In the past 12 months, has the electric, gas, oil, or water company threatened to shut off services in your home?
0. Yes
1. No
2. Already shut off
7. Patient declines to respond
8. Patient unable to respond
Read all about why CMS proposes these new items in the CY 2025 Home Health Proposed Rule, Section III.D. on page 72 of the downloadable HH CY 2025 Proposed Rule PDF.