Person Sending Comments to CMS

CMS Wants Your Views On Hospice CAHPS

Today CMS posted a request for comments on hospice's CAHPS data collection. 

Now is your chance. 

Send your views about the process and how you see the best ways forward with capturing and publishing caregivers' views of the care you provided to their deceased loved ones.

Here's an excerpt of the notice describing what CMS is asking:

Interested persons are invited to send comments regarding our burden estimates or any other aspect of this collection of information, including the necessity and utility of the proposed information collection for the proper performance of the agency’s functions, the accuracy of the estimated burden, ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected, and the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology to minimize the information collection burden.

So, basically, anything and everything you think about the CAHPS program, how it affects your agency processes and finances or in any other way, and how CMS could make it better. 
This notice acknowledges the request for information included in the FY 2025 Hospice Proposed Rule. (The official version should post there tomorrow. But you can download the advance pdf now.) Of course, you can comment on the hospice CAHPS request for information as well as commenting on any aspect of the proposed rule here. Comments for the FY 2025 Hospice Proposed Rule are due May 28, 2024.
Or you can submit your comments in response to the hospice CAHPS program specifically by searching here. When I wrote this, the official notice was scheduled to appear in the Federal Register April 4. So its comments page wasn't yet available. But searching for it at that link should get you there. Because it is scheduled to officially post the same day as the FY 2025 Proposed Rule, I expect the deadline to match as well – May 28, 2024.
Be well. And be heard.
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